Other Research Groups (Electroacoustics)
This is a limited listing of papers by other research groups in electroacoustics, appearing since 1992. Papers on the AcoustoSizer did not appear until 1995.
Beattie, D.A., Huynh, L., Kaggwa, G.B., Ralston, J. "Influence of adsorbed polysaccharides and polyacrylamides on talc flotation" International Journal Of Mineral Processing 78 238-249.
Gumy, D. Morais, C. Bowen, P. Pulgarin, C. Giraldo, S. Hajdu, R., Kiwi, J. "Catalytic activity of commercial of TiO2 powders for the abatement of the bacteria (E-coli) under solar simulated light: Influence of the isoelectric point" Applied Catalysis B-Environmental 63 26-84
Huynh, L., Beattie, D.A., Fornasiero, D., Ralston, J. "Effect of polyphosphate and naphthalene sulfonate formaldehyde condensate on the rheological properties of dewatered tailings and cemented paste backfill" Minerals Engineering 19 28-36.
McFarlane, A., Bremmell, K., Addai-Mensah, J. "Improved dewatering behavior of clay minerals dispersions via interfacial chemistry and particle interactions optimization" Journal Of Colloid And
Interface Science 2006 293(1) 116-127
Palmqvist, L., Lyckfeldt, O., Carlstrom, E., Davoust, P., Kauppi, A., Holmberg, K. "Dispersion mechanisms in aqueous alumina suspensions at high solids loadings" Colloids And Surfaces A-Physicochemical And Engineering Aspects 2006 274(1-3) 100-109
Strand, S., Hognesen, E.J., Austad, T. "Wettability alteration of carbonates - Effects of potential determining ions (Ca2+ and SO42-) and temperature" Colloids And Surfaces A-Physicochemical And
Engineering Aspects 275 1-10.
Basch, A., Horn, R., Besenhard, J.O. "Substrate induced coagulation (SIC) of nano-disperse carbon black in non-aqueous media: the dispersibility and stability of carbon black in N-methyl-2-pyrrolidinone" Colloids And Surfaces A-Physicochemical And Engineering Aspects 253 155-161
Bremmell, K.E., Addai-Mensah, J. "Interfacial-chemistry mediated behavior of colloidal talc dispersions" Journal Of Colloid And Interface Science 283 385-391.
Delgado, A.V., Ahualli, S., Arroyo, F.J., Carrique, F. "Dynamic electrophoretic mobility of concentrated suspensions - Comparison between experimental data and theoretical predictions " Colloids And Surfaces A-Physicochemical And Engineering Aspects 267 95-102.
Fuerstenau, DW. Pradip "Zeta potentials in the flotation of oxide and silicate minerals" Advances In Colloid And Interface Science 2005 114 9-26.
Horakova, V., Tomecek, P., Lapcik, L., Greenwood, R. "The effect of surface modification on the zeta potential and the stability of calcium pyrophosphate powders" Journal Of Polymer Materials 22(4)
Johnson, S.B., Brown, G.E., Healy, T.W., Scales, P.J. "Adsorption of organic matter at mineral/water interfaces. 6. Effect of inner-sphere versus outer-sphere adsorption on colloidal stability" Langmuir 21
Leong, Y.K. "Yield stress and zeta potential of nanoparticulate silica dispersions under the influence of adsorbed hydrolysis products of metal ions - Cu(II), Al(III) and Th(IV)" Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 292(2) 557- 566
Mpofu, P., Addai-Mensah, J., Ralston, J. "Interfacial chemistry, particle interactions and improved dewatering behaviour of-smectite clay dispersions" International Journal Of Mineral Processing 75 155-171.
Ohshima, H. "Approximate analytic expression for the dynamic electrophoretic mobility of a spherical colloidal particle in an oscillating electric field" Langmuir 2005 21(22) 9818-9823.
Pawlik, M. "Polymeric dispersants for coal-water slurries" Colloids And Surfaces A-Physicochemical And Engineering Aspects 266(1-3) 82-90.
Preston, M.A., Kornbrekke, R., White, L.R. "Determination of the dynamic electrophoretic mobility of a spherical colloidal particle through a novel numerical solution of the electrokinetic equations" Langmuir 21 9832-9842.
Sciti, D., Balbo, A., Bellosi, A. "Improvements offered by coprecipitation of sintering additives on ultra-fine SiC materials" Advanced Engineering Materials 2005 7(3) 152-158.
Arroyo, F.J., Carrique, F., Ahualli, S., Delgado, A.V. "Dynamic mobility of concentrated suspensions. Comparison between different calculations" Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 6(7) 1446-1452
Choi, W., Mahajan, U., Lee, S.M., Abiade, J. Singh, R.K. "Effect of slurry ionic salts at dielectric silica CMP" Journal Of The Electrochemical Society 151 185-189
Chronakis, I.S., Triantafyllou, A.O., Oste, R. "Solid-state characteristics and redispersible properties of powders formed by spray-drying and freeze-drying cereal dispersions of varying (1 -> 3,1 -> 4)-beta-glucan content" Journal Of Cereal Science 40(2) 183-193
Eisenbach, C.D., Schaller, C., Schauer, T., Dirnberger, K. "Pigment-polyelectrolyte interaction and surface modified particle characterization by electrokinetic sonic amplitude measurements" Particle Sizing And Characterization ACS Symposium Series 881 215-229
2004 Greenwood, R. "An electroacoustic investigation of concentrated aqueous suspensions of calcium pyrophosphate" Particle & Particle Systems Characterization 21(5) 415-418
Guerin, M., Seaman, J.C. "Characterizing clay mineral suspensions using acoustic and electroacoustic spectroscopy - A review" Clays And Clay Minerals 52 145-157
Guerin, M., Seaman, J.C., Lehmann, C., Jurgenson, A. "Acoustic and electroacoustic characterization of variable-charge mineral suspensions" Clays And Clay Minerals 2004 52 158-170
Kim, S.K., Sohn, H.M., Paik, U., Katoh, T., Park, J.G. "A reverse selectivity ceria slurry for the damascene gate chemical mechanical planarization process" Japanese Journal Of Applied Physics Part
1-Regular Papers Short Notes & Review Papers 43(11A) 7434-7438
Kosmulski, M., Rosenholm, J.B. "High ionic strength electrokinetics" Advances In Colloid And Interface Science 112 93-107
Mpofu, P., Addai-Mensah, J., Ralston, J. "Flocculation and dewatering behaviour of smectite dispersions: effect of polymer structure type" Minerals Engineering 17(3) 411-423
Mpofu, P., Addai-Mensah, J., Ralston, J. "Temperature influence of nonionic polyethylene oxide and anionic polyacrylamide on flocculation and dewatering behavior of kaolinite dispersions" Journal
Of Colloid And Interface Science 271(1) 145-156.
Nagao, D., Osuzu, H., Yamada, A., Mine, E., Kobayashi, Y., Konno, M. "Particle formation in the hydrolysis of tetraethyl orthosilicate in pH buffer solution" Journal Of Colloid And Interface Science 279 143-149
Panya, P., Arquero, O.A., Franks, G.V.. Wanless, E.J. "Dispersion stability of a ceramic glaze achieved through ionic surfactant adsorption" Journal Of Colloid And Interface Science 2004 279 23-35
Ramstedt, M., Andersson, B.M., Shchukarev, A., Sjoberg, S. "Surface properties of hydrous manganite (gamma-MnOOH). A potentiometric, electroacoustic, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study" Langmuir 2004 20
Smith, I.O., Baumann, M.J., McCabe, L.R. "Electrostatic interactions as a predictor for osteoblast attachment to biomaterials" Journal Of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 70A(3)
Smith, O., Baumann, M.J., Obadia, L., Bouler, J.M. "Surface potential and osteoblast attraction to calcium phosphate compounds is affected by selected alkaline hydrolysis processing" Journal Of Materials Science-Materials In Medicine 15(8) 841-846
Appel, C., Rhue, R.D., Kennelley, E. "Point of zero charge determination in soils and minerals via traditional methods and detection of electroacoustic mobility" Geoderma 113 77-93
Bjornstrom, J., Chandra, S. " Effect of superplasticizers on the rheological properties of cements" Materials And Structures 36 685-692
Greenwood, R. "Review of the measurement of zeta potentials in concentrated aqueous suspensions using electroacoustics" Advances In Colloid And Interface Science 2003 106 55-81
Gustafsson, J., Nordenswan, E., Rosenholm, J.B. "Effect of pH on the sedimentation, zeta-potential, and rheology of anatase suspensions" Colloids And Surfaces A-Physicochemical And Engineering
Aspects 2003 212 235-247
Kim, S.K., Lee, S., Paik, U., Katoh, T., Park, J.G. " Influence of the electrokinetic behaviors of abrasive ceria particles and the deposited plasma-enhanced tetraethylorthosilicate and chemically vapor deposited Si3N4 films in an aqueous medium on chemical mechanical planarization for shallow trench isolation " Journal Of Materials Research " 2003 18(9) 2163-2169.
Mpofu, P., Addai-Mensah, J., Ralston, J. "Investigation of the effect of polymer structure type on flocculation, rheology and dewatering behaviour of kaolinite dispersions" International Journal Of
Mineral Processing 2003 71 247-268
Ohshima, H. "Dynamic electrophoretic mobility of spherical colloidal particles in a salt-free medium" Journal Of Colloid And Interface Science 2003 265(2) 422-427
Kim, S.K., Paik, U., Oh, S.G., Park, Y.K., Katoh, T., Park, J.G., "Effects of the physical characteristics of cerium oxide on plasma-enhanced tetraethylorthosiliate removal rate of chemical
mechanical polishing for shallow trench isolation" Japanese Journal Of Applied Physics Part 1-Regular Papers Short Notes & Review 42(3) 1227-1230
Rasmusson, M., Allison, S., Wall, S. "The primary electroviscous effect of prolate silica sols" Journal Of Colloid And Interface Science 2003 260 423-430
Scott, D.M. "Characterizing particle characterization" Particle & Particle Systems Characterization 20 305-310
Tobori, N., Amari, T. "Rheological behavior of highly concentrated aqueous calcium carbonate suspensions in the presence of polyelectrolytes" Colloids And Surfaces A-Physicochemical And Engineering
Aspects 215 163-171
Costa, A.L., Bezzi, G., La Torretta, T.M.G., Verna, S.
"New process for the preparation of pigment-coated phosphors on the base of electroacoustic characterization" Journal Of The European Ceramic Society 22 1667-1672
Franks, G.V. "Zeta potentials and yield stresses of silica suspensions in concentrated monovalent electrolytes: Isoelectric point shift and additional attraction" Journal Of Colloid And Interface
Science 249(1) 44-51
Johnson, S.B., Dunstan, D.E., Franks, G.V. "Rheology of cross-linked chitosan-alumina suspensions used for a new gelcasting process" Journal Of The American Ceramic Society 85 1699-1705
Lobbus, M., Sonnefeld, J., Vogelsberger, W., van Leeuwen, H.P., Lyklema, J.
"Electrokinetic sonic amplitude measurements for surface characterization- an improved method to calculate zeta potentials". Encyclopedia of Surface and Colloid Science. 1864-1875.
Schaller, C., Dirnberger, K., Schauer, T., Eisenbach, C.D. "Stabilization of carbon black with ionic-hydrophobic polyelectrolytes" Macromolecular Symposia 187 695-705
Greenwood, R., Rowson, N., Kingman, S., Brown, G. "A new method for determining the optimum dispersant concentration in aqueous grinding" Powder Technology 123(2-3), 199-207.
Greenwood, R. "Measurement of zeta potentials in concentrated aqueous suspensions of ceramic powders using electroacoustics" Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, 132 (Proceedings of the International Conference on Colloid and Surface Science, 2000), 315-318.
Greenwood, R. Kendall, K. "Acoustophoretic studies of aqueous suspensions of alumina and 8% yttria stabilised zirconia powders" J. European Ceram. Soc. 20 77-84.
Greenwood R. Kendall K. "Effect of ionic strength on the adsorption of cationic polyelectrolytes onto alumina studied using electroacoustic measurements" Powder Tech.113,148-157.
Dukhin, A.S., Goetz, P.J., Wines, T.H., Somasundaran, P. "Acoustic and electroacoustic spectroscopy" Colloids & Surfaces, A 173(1-3), 127-158.
Galassi, C., Bertoni, F. Ardizzone, S, Bianchi, C.L. Water-based Si3N4 suspensions:
Part I. "Effect of processing routes on the surface chemistry and particle interactions" J. Mater. Res. 15(1) 155-163.
Part II. "Effect of wet mixing/milling processes on the addition of the sintering aids." 15(1) pp.164-169.
Feldmann, C., Merikhi, J. "Adhesion of Colloidal ZnO particles on ZnS-type phosphor surfaces" J. Colloid Interface. Sci. 223(2), 229-234.
Johnson, Stephen B., Scales, Peter J., Healy, Thomas W. Reply to Comments on "The Binding of Monovalent Electrolyte Ions on a-Alumina. I. Electroacoustic Studies at High Electrolyte Concentrations" Langmuir 15(26), 8935-8936.
Greenwood, R. Kendall, K. "Selection of suitable dispersants for aqueous suspensions of zirconia and titania powders using acoustophoresis" J. European Ceram. Soc. 19, 479-488.
Hackley, Vincent A. "Development of electroacoustic methods and their application in ceramic processing" Adv. Process Meas. Ceram. Ind. pp.237-259.
Galassi, Carmen, Costa, Anna, Craciun, Floriana, Guidarelli, Guido. "Electroacoustic and ultrasonic characterization of alumina-water suspensions" Adv. Sci. Technol. (Faenza, Italy) 14,
Dukhin, A.S., Shilov, V.N., Ohshima, H., Goetz, P. "Electroacoustic Phenomena in Concentrated Dispersions: New Theory and CVI Experiment" Langmuir 15(20) 6692-6706.
Hackley, Vincent A. "Development of electroacoustic methods and their application in ceramic processing" Adv. Process Meas. Ceram. Ind. pp.237-259.
Dukhin, A.S., Ohshima, H., Shilov, V.N., Goetz, P.J. "Electroacoustics for Concentrated Dispersions" Langmuir 15(10), 3445-3451.
Johnson, S.B.; Scales, P.J.; Healy, T.W. "The Binding of Monovalent Electrolyte Ions on a-Alumina. I. Electroacoustic Studies at High Electrolyte Concentrations" Langmuir 15(8), strong>2836-2843.
Costa, Anna Luisa, Galassi, Carmen, Greenwood, Richard. "alpha-Alumina-H2O Interface Analysis by Electroacoustic Measurements" J. Colloid Interface Sci. 212(2), 350-356.
Johnson, S.B., Dixon, D.R., Scales, P.J. "The electrokinetic and shear yield stress properties of kaolinite in the presence of aluminum ions" Colloids & Surf., A 146, 281-291.
Green wood, R. Kendall K. "Acoustophoretic investigation of aqueous suspensions of three different spinel powders" Brit. Ceram.Trans. 97, 174-179.
Lundgruen, D., Woermann, D. "Function of precipitation membranes. Zeta potential of the crystallites in concentrated suspensions" Z. Phys. Chem. (Munich) 207(1/2), 245-253.
Carasso, M.L., Valdes, J.L., Psota-Kelty, L.A., Anthony, L.J. "Characterization of concentrated CMP slurries by acoustic techniques" Proc. Electrochem. Soc. 98-7(Chemical Mechanical Planarization in Integrated Circuit Device Manufacturing) 145-160.
Dukhin, A.S., Goetz, P.J. "Characterization of aggregation phenomena by means of acoustic and electroacoustic spectroscopy" Colloids & Surf., A 144(1-3) 49-58.
Oppermann, D.A., Crimp, M.J., Bement, D.M. "In vitro stability predictions for the bone/hydroxyapatite composite system" J. Biomed. Mater. Res. 42(3) 412-416.
Stintz, M., Hinze, F., Ripperger, S. "Characterization of concentrated dispersions and colloidal systems by acoustic attenuation spectroscopy and colloid vibration potential" World Congr. Part. Technol. 3, 41-50. (Institution of Chemical Engineers, Rugby, UK).
Boen Ho O. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 198: 249-260. [ESA study of the efficacy of various ionic and zwitterionic surfactants as emulsion stabilizers.]
Johnson S.B. Russell A.S. and Scales P.J. Volume fraction effects in shear rheology and electroacoustic studies of concentrated alumina and kaolin suspensions. Colloids and Surfaces A 141, 119-130.
Greenwood, R. Bergstrom, L. "Electroacoustic and rheological properties of aqueous Ce-ZrO2 (Ce-TZP) suspensions"J. European Ceramic Soc. 17,537-548.
Hackley V. and Texter J. (eds). Acoustic, electroacoustic and dielectric spectroscopy for characterization of particulates. Workshop held August 1997. Proceedings to be published by American Ceramic Soc.
Do Carmo Marques L.C. De Oliveria J.F. and Gonzalez G. J. Dispersion Sci. 18, 477-488. [An ESA study of the asphaltene content of a toluene-in-water mini-emulsion.]
Wang H. M. and McCauley R. A. Surface modification of silicon nitride powder by metal organic surfactants. Ceram. Trans. 62 (Science, Technology, and Commercialization of Powder Synthesis and Shape Forming Processes), 149-56
Kosmulski M. and Rosenholm J.B. Electroacoustic study of adsorption of ions on anatase and zirconia from very concentrated electrolytes. J. Phys. Chem.
100(28), 1168-111687.
Hackley V.A. and Malghan S.G. Modification of silicon nitride slip properties by poly(acrylic acid) Ceram. Trans. 62 (Science, Technology, and Commercialization of Powder Synthesis and Shape Forming Processes)117-24.
Dukhin A. and Goetz P.J. Acoustic and electroacoustic spectroscopy. Langmuir 12, 4336- 4344.
Gron J. and Dahlvik P. Effect of pigment particles on properties of coatings [on paper] Ind. Carta 33(8), 395-8, 400-2 (In Italian)
Hackley V.A. and Malghan S.G. Electroacoustic characterization of particle size and zeta potential in moderately concentrated suspensions. Ceram. Trans. 56 (Advanced Synthesis and Processing of Composites and Advanced Ceramics), 283-90.
Ukigai T. Sugawara H. and Tobori N. Chem. Letters p.371-2. [AcoustoSizer study of the adsorption and dispersion behaviour of polysulphonates onto coal-water slurries at very high particle concentrations.]
Caruthers E.B. Gibson G.A. Larson J. R. Morrison I.D. and Viturro E.R. Liquid toner particle charging and charge director ionization 10th Int. Congr. Adv. NonImpact Print. Technol. p.210-14. Publisher: Society for Imaging Science and Technology, Springfield, Va.
Pradip Premachanran R.S. Malghan S.G Electrokinetic behavior and dispersion characteristics of ceramic powders with cationic and anionic polyelectrolytes Bull. Mater. Sci. 17(6), 911-20.
Tankovsky N. and Burov, J. Sound generation in liquids by electrically driven ions in dilute electrolytes J. Phys. Chem. 98(42), 10930-4. [these are low frequency measurements (up to about 180 kHz).]
Hackley V. A. and Malghan S. G. The surface chemistry of silicon nitride powder in the presence of dissolved ions. J. Mater. Sci. 29(17), 4420-30.
Loewenberg M. The dynamic mobility of a spheroidal particle. J. Fluid Mech. 278, 149.
Hackley V.A. Premachandran, R. and Malghan S.G. Surface chemical interactions of Si3N4 with polyelectrolyte deflocculants. Key Eng. Mater. 89-91(Silicon Nitride 93), 679-82.
Malghan S.B. (ed) Electroacoustics for Characterization of Particulates and Suspensions, NIST Special Publication 856. Natnl. Inst. of Standards and Technol. Gaithersburg, MD USA (This was a result of a special symposium held at Gaithersburg in February 1993 and devoted almost entirely to electroacoustics. (Only a couple of papers on acoustic attenuation are included.)
The NIST publication includes the following papers in addition to the two cited above:
Valdes J.l. Acoustophoretic (what we are calling here electroacoustic) characterization of colloidal diamond particles p.111-128.
Pollinger J. P. Oxide and nonoxide powder processing applications using electroacoustic characterization p.143-160.
Hackley V.A. and Malghan S.G. Investigation of parameters and secondary components affecting the electroacoustic analysis of silicon nitride powders p.161-179.
Moudgil B.M. and Damodaran R.
Surface charge characterization of minerals by electroacoustic measurements. p.219-237.
Darwin D.C. Leung R.Y. and Taylor R.T. Surface charge characterization of portland cement in the presence of superplasticizers. p.238-262.
Larson J.R. Advances in liquid toner charging mechanism. Electroacoustic measurement of liquid toner charge. p.301-314.
Sanders Nigel D. and Roth K. J. Combining charge distributions and heats of interaction to probe filled papermaking furnish flocculation mechanisms Tappi J. 76 (11), 209-14.
Malghan S.G. Wang P.S. Sivakumar A. and Somasundaran P. Deposition of colloidal sinteringaid particles on silicon nitride. Compos. Interfaces 1(3), 193-210.
Sayer T.S.B. Electroacoustic measurements in concentrated pigment dispersions. Colloids and Surfaces A 77(1), 39-47.
Wilson B. A. and Crimp M. J. Prediction of composite colloidal suspension stability based upon the Hogg, Healy, and Fuerstenau interpretation. Langmuir 9
(11), 2836-43.
Sawatzky R. P. and Babchin A.J. Hydrodynamics of electrophoretic motion in an alternating electric field. J. Fluid Mech. 246, 321-34.
Richter H.J. Friedrich H. and Hermel W. Use of electrokinetic results for monitoring and efficient modification of ceramic processing. Fortschrittsber. Dtsch. Keram. Ges.
Mangelsdorf C.S. and White L.R. J.Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans.II. 88, 3567. [Computer calculation of the dynamic mobility of a spherical particle of arbitrary size and zeta potential.]